As Stern alumni, you know the power that our student-led clubs have to take an MBA experience to the next level. Now that you have graduated, we hope that you will stay involved and consider ways that you can give back to the community. Get involved, today!
Share your experience
From how you decided on a summer internship, to full-time recruitment, to how you are driving impact at your current organization, we know your insights would be invaluable for our members.
If you’re willing to speak on a future alumni panel, please reach out to us with your name, email, company, and career focus at sisa@stern.nyu.edu.
Sponsor the conference
We are always looking for ways to expose our members to new and exciting career paths by recruiting a diverse set of sponsors for our annual Social Innovation Symposium. If you are in a position to help us establish a corporate partnership at your current employer, please reach out to us at sisa@stern.nyu.edu.
Recruit MBAs
Encourage your organization to recruit at Stern through a corporate presentations or hosting informal coffees chats. To take advantage of any of these opportunities, contact the Office of Career Development at (212) 998-0421 or ocd@stern.nyu.edu.