Student & Alumni Profiles
Liz John - Stern ‘21
“Being a part of SISA was a great experience. I met some of my closest friends from Stern through serving on the SISA board, and I learned so much from my fellow students and the professionals who came to speak at our events. It is a really caring, passionate group of people who truly are making positive change in business.”
Will O’Leary - Stern ‘22
“Don’t lose sight of your “why.” If you really care about your career having an impact on a particular problem area, stay focused on it until you get to where you want to go.”
Viveka Mandava - Stern ‘22
“Reach out to people whose careers you respect, learn from them and stay in touch with them! Remember that no one’s path is linear - you should explore different roles and industries as much as you want until you find something that really excites and fulfills you.”
Zoe Cantor - Stern ‘23
“Right when I got to campus, SISA was my primary resource for connecting with MBA2s and fellow MBA1s who had experience or were interested in the social impact and sustainability space. The club has continued to be my go-to for all kinds of recruiting support, interview prep, industry connections, and friends with common interests!”
Travis Klein - Stern ‘23
“Say yes to as much as you can! This is a very unique opportunity in your life, and there is a rich variety of experiences you can have.”
Alessandra Nunez - Stern ‘23
“Go at your own pace with both professional and social endeavors! Starting business school can be overwhelming, so don’t be alarmed if someone has an internship before you’ve even applied for your first one.”